
2015年1月27日—改完fstab里关于ntfs的mount选项,改了mount之用文件用户/组的归属之后,一定要重启才能生效。重启之后只看mount的输出,user_id=0,group_id=0,这会让你很 ...,2022年1月24日—IcanonlymountaremotecifsshareasrooteventhoughIamusinguidandgidwithavaliduser.Thisdidworkforyears,withfstabremainingunchanged.,2019年6月27日—Ihadthissameproblem.Problemturnedouttobethattheremotewasnotpresentinthelocalma...

ntfs mount的输出和ls

2015年1月27日 — 改完fstab里关于ntfs的mount选项,改了mount之用文件用户/组的归属之后,一定要重启才能生效。 重启之后只看mount的输出,user_id=0,group_id=0,这会让你很 ...

t cifs only mounts as root and no longer honours uid and gid

2022年1月24日 — I can only mount a remote cifs share as root even though I am using uid and gid with a valid user. This did work for years, with fstab remaining unchanged.

sshfs with fstab

2019年6月27日 — I had this same problem. Problem turned out to be that the remote was not present in the local machine root's known_hosts file.

How do I configure fstab so that a partition can be used by ...

2012年5月30日 — uid=value and gid=value Set the owner and group of all files. (Default: the uid and gid of the current process.) umask=value Set the umask (the ...

what do the parameters uid and gid with etcfstab do?

2018年2月13日 — uid=value and gid=value Set the owner and group of all files. (Default: the uid and gid of the current process.)

硬盘权限修改- fstab uid

2022年3月1日 — 然后,为了使普通用户能对挂载的硬盘有读写权限,需要更改挂载点的所有者和用户组。执行以下命令,将`totoro` 用户设置为所有者,并将其添加到同名的用户 ...

fstab 指定挂载的用户与权限

通过设置fmask, dmask, uid, gid参数可以控制文件目录的默认权限以及所属用户和组。 设置: dmask=022,fmask=133. 对目录: ​ 组和其他用户没有写权限。

Can fstab options uid and gid be the user

2013年8月20日 — If you are using an ext filesystem, the uid and gid options are ignored, as the permissions used are set by the filesystem.

Is UID required when providing a GID in an fstab entry for ...

2021年11月14日 — Yes, it is okay to provide gid only. In that case uid (owner of the mount) will default to root. My problem was that the dmask and fmask were ...

Mouting via etcfstab using uidgid does not work #819

2022年6月20日 — When mounting via /etc/fstab, the filesystem (and tmp-path) is only visible and accessible as root even when using the -o uid=xxx -o gid=xxx or setting these ...